
How to Activate ZebraDesigner 3 Professional 30 Day Trial Period

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Issue / QuestionHow do I activate ZebraDesigner 3 Professional 30 day trial period?
Applicable ToZebraDesigner 3 Software
Resolution / Answer
  1.  Download and run the installer for ZebraDesigner 3 from the web page Support and Downloads: ZebraDesigner 3.
  2. Launch the ZebraDesigner 3 software.
  3. Click Try Other Editions.
  4. Then click Try ZebraDesigner Professional.
  1. You can see a prompt to start your 30 days trial as below.
  •  If you choose not to purchase, after the 30-day trial has expired, the software will continue to run as the Essentials edition.

Helpful Information
URL Name000021343
TitleHow to Activate ZebraDesigner 3 Professional 30 Day Trial Period

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