
Getting Started with the KDU Plus

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Issue / QuestionInformation and details related to the KDU Plus.
Applicable ToZebra Printers using the KDU Plus 
Resolution / Answer

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If your KDU does not look like the product pictured above select your keyboard unit below

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Original KDU Read More>>
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The Zebra EPL and ZPL desktop printers have been designed to support the KDU Plus (or other external devices) connecting directly to the serial port. These printers have an RS-232 compatible interface that includes a 5 Volt DC power circuit available for external devices such as scanners and the KDU Plus.


  • Print labels from pre-defined formats
  • Operational modes - forms mode (EPL & ZPL), terminal mode, and file mode
  • Menu system for KDU configuration
  • File storage on KDU Plus
  • Size - 11.8" x 8.7" (299.72 x 221 mm)
  • LCD display - 4 lines x 40 characters
  • 85 touch keys in QWERTY layout
  • 3 auxiliary ports - 2 serial, 1 PS2 

The Zebra ZPL Industrial Printers class printer requires hardware reconfiguration to support the KDU Plus. These printers have an RS-232 compliant interface that by default does not present the 5 Volts DC necessary for external devices such as scanners or the KDU Plus. The ZPL Industrial Printers must be reconfigured by an authorized Zebra service representative to provide this required voltage on pin 9 changing a jumper strap on the logic board.

See the Supported Printers list below for 5 volt power availability on various models.

The KDU Plus is factory set to Auto-Detect the attached Zebra printer type. The KDU Plus automatically sets the interface and modes to match the attached printer. The KDU Plus defaults to auto detect EPL Forms Mode or ZPL Forms Mode.

FORMS MODE - Designed to work with Zebra ZPL and EPL printer models. This mode emulates the earlier KDU models and Zebra EPL printer operations. The KDU Plus has added support for ZPL printer operation. Both of the ZPL and EPL Forms Modes allow the operator to do the following basic operations:

• Print a list of label forms stored in printer
• Retrieve label forms stored in printer
• Input variable data
• Print labels

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For full details on using the KDU Plus, see the KDU Plus User Guide  Read More>>.


Additional Information

Examples EPL formats

Examples ZPL formats:

 Supported Printers:

See the following link for Product Specifications  Read More>>

G Series. LP2824 Plus, LP/TLP2844, LP/TLP 2824, LP/TLP2844-Z, LP/TLP2824-Z, ZT Series, ZM Series, RZ Series, & Xi4* XiIII Plus series* , S4M*, PAX4* series, ZE500,105SL* (Only printers with serial numbers 6400358 and higher)
*These models require a jumper change on the printer’s main logic board to provide 5v power for the KDU.  A +5VDC power source at 750mA can be supplied on pin 9.   This type of change would require the cover of the printer to be opened.   
Only an authorized service technician should provide this type of repair/configuration.  


If the KDU Plus is not Auto-Detecting the printer:

1. Make sure the Com port setting match the Serial port settings on the printer.  i.e. flow control -  Xon/Xoff

2. You can manually set the KDU Plus to EPL or ZPL forms mode and turn Auto-Detection to Off.  Consult the User Guide  Read More>>

Note: The KDU Plus may not detect the ZT220 and ZT230 connection and require a configuration change. Read More>>

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TitleGetting Started with the KDU Plus

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