1. Create a folder named ZebraFTP in the computer's C drive
2. Create a folder named Files inside the ZebraFTP folder
3. Open Notepad and copy the commands below
@echo off
REM Generate the script. Will overwrite any existing temp.txt
echo open XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> temp.txt
echo admin>> temp.txt
FOR /f "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('dir /b /s "C:\ZebraFTP\Files\*.*"') do echo PUT "%%A" >> temp.txt
echo quit >> temp.txt
REM Launch FTP and pass it the script
cd "C:\Windows\System32\"
ftp -s:"C:\ZebraFTP\temp.txt"
REM Clean up.
del /q "C:\ZebraFTP\temp.txt"
del /q "C:\ZebraFTP\Files\*.*"
4. Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with the IP address of the Zebra printer you wish to send the files to
5. Save this file in ZebraFTP folder as "ftp.bat"
6. Copy the ZPL or text files with ZPL commands into the C:\ZebraFTP\Files folder
7. Run the ftp.bat file