Here are the two ZPL commands that can be used to adjust the darkness setting:
Using ^MD
The ^MD command adjusts the darkness relative to the current darkness setting. (It adds or subtracts from the darkness value configured on the printer.)
For example: ^XA^MD15^JUS^XZ
![](/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka16S000000CVpW&feoid=00N0H00000K2Eou&refid=0EM0H000001O9Bq) | NOTE The ^MD is persistent across all label formats until a new ^MD command is issued or the printer power is cycled. This applies to all ZPL printers except the G-Series printers. The G-Series printer stores the ^MD value and will retain the setting through a power cycle. |
~SD command allows you to set the darkness at the printer's darkness setting. The value will be displayed on the printer LCD (if available) or the configuration label.
For example: ~SD15
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