
Mobile Printer Communication via Bluetooth

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Issue / QuestionCommunicating to a mobile printer via Bluetooth connection.
Applicable ToZebra Mobile Printers series with Bluetooth capability 
Resolution / Answer

Zebra Bluetooth-enabled mobile printers are peripheral devices only. The printers will pair with any central device that tries to make a valid connection. Since only a central device can initiate a connection, the printer does not store pairing data, that function is always done on the central device.

The printer can only be connected to one central device at a time, but any number of central devices that have stored pairing information for the printer would be able to initiate a connection to the printer without having to rediscover it.

The Bluetooth connection options are as follows:

  • Discoverable toggles ON or OFF. If discoverable is turned OFF, the printer will not be discovered by other devices. However, a device can be connected to the printer if the application developer knows the printer's Bluetooth address. The printer's Bluetooth address can be found by printing a configuration label (2-key report). The "Friendly Name" is the name that a central device will see when the printer is discovered. By default, the friendly name is the printer's serial number.
  • Bluetooth authentication offers three choices: OFF, SET PIN, and GENERATED.

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URL NameZebra-Mobile-Printer-Series-Communicating-to-printer-via-Bluetooth-connection
TitleMobile Printer Communication via Bluetooth

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